Addition and Subtraction Basics

In this lesson, we will focus on the basics of addition and subtraction, building on your child's understanding of numbers and counting. We will use engaging activities and games to help your child develop a solid foundation in these fundamental mathematical operations.

Addition: Combining Quantities

Addition is the process of combining two or more quantities to find the total or sum. We will start by using concrete objects, such as manipulatives or everyday items, to model addition problems. Your child will practice counting on, which is adding to the initial quantity, and counting objects to find the sum.

Next, we will use visual representations, such as number lines or ten frames, to help your child understand addition as the process of moving forward on a number line or filling in ten frames to find the total. This visual approach helps your child develop a deeper understanding of addition as a concept, and builds their mental math skills.

We will also introduce number sentences, which are mathematical statements that represent addition problems. Your child will practice reading and writing number sentences, and learn to identify the plus sign (+) as the symbol for addition.

Subtraction: Separating Quantities

Subtraction is the process of taking away or separating quantities to find the difference or remainder. We will start by using concrete objects to model subtraction problems. Your child will practice counting back, which is subtracting from the initial quantity, and physically removing objects to find the difference.

Next, we will use visual representations, such as number lines or picture diagrams, to help your child understand subtraction as the process of moving backward on a number line or crossing out objects to find the remainder. This visual approach helps your child develop a deeper understanding of subtraction as a concept, and builds their mental math skills.

We will also introduce number sentences, which are mathematical statements that represent subtraction problems. Your child will practice reading and writing number sentences, and learn to identify the minus sign (-) as the symbol for subtraction.

Basic Addition and Subtraction Facts

In addition to understanding the concept of addition and subtraction, we will also introduce basic addition and subtraction facts. Your child will practice memorizing and recalling addition and subtraction facts for numbers up to 10, and develop strategies for solving simple addition and subtraction problems mentally.

We will use various strategies, such as counting on or counting back, using number bonds, or using related facts, to help your child develop fluency in basic addition and subtraction facts. These strategies build your child's mental math skills and help them become more efficient in solving math problems mentally.

Engaging with Manipulatives and Interactive Activities

At, we believe in a hands-on approach to learning, and we will provide your child with plenty of opportunities to engage with manipulatives and participate in interactive activities. Manipulatives, such as counting objects, number blocks, or even fingers, help make abstract math concepts tangible and accessible to young learners.

Your child will practice using manipulatives to model addition and subtraction problems, and engage in interactive activities and games that make math fun and engaging. These hands-on experiences promote active learning and help your child build a deeper understanding of addition and subtraction.

Real-World Applications

We will also provide your child with real-world applications of addition and subtraction, helping them see the relevance of these mathematical operations in their everyday lives. For example, your child will practice solving word problems that involve adding or subtracting quantities, such as counting items in a grocery store or sharing toys with friends.

These real-world applications help your child develop problem-solving skills and see the practical use of addition and subtraction in various situations. It also helps them understand the connection between math and their daily lives, making math more meaningful and relevant.


In conclusion, our lesson on addition and subtraction basics at provides young learners with a solid foundation in these fundamental mathematical operations. Through engaging activities, games, and manipulatives, your child will learn to combine and separate quantities, understand number sentences, and develop strategies for solving simple addition and subtraction problems mentally. Our hands-on approach to learning ensures that your child actively engages with the material, making math fun and meaningful.

We believe that a strong understanding of addition and subtraction is crucial for your child's mathematical development. These basic operations serve as building blocks for more complex math concepts that your child will encounter in the future, such as multiplication, division, and problem-solving skills. By providing your child with a solid foundation in addition and subtraction, we are setting them up for success in their mathematical journey.

To further support your child's learning, we also provide real-world applications of addition and subtraction. By relating math to everyday situations, your child will understand the practical use of these operations in their daily lives. This helps them see the relevance of math and how it can be applied in various contexts, fostering a deeper understanding of the subject matter.

We encourage you to actively engage with your child in their learning process. You can reinforce the concepts taught in this lesson through everyday activities, such as counting objects at home, playing math-related games, and solving simple addition and subtraction problems together. By incorporating math into your child's daily routine, you can help them develop a strong foundation in these fundamental operations and build their confidence in their mathematical abilities.

We hope that this lesson on addition and subtraction basics has provided your child with a solid understanding of these fundamental mathematical operations. At, we are committed to helping young learners develop a love for math and build a strong foundation in their mathematical skills. We invite you to explore our other lessons and resources to further support your child's mathematical learning journey. Thank you for choosing, and we look forward to continuing to support your child's educational needs.

Welcome to the Addition and Subtraction Lessons page on! Here, you will find engaging lessons that focus on building addition and subtraction skills for children of all ages. From basic addition and subtraction to more advanced concepts, these lessons are designed to make math fun and accessible for young learners. Let's dive into the world of numbers with our exciting lessons on addition and subtraction!

Lesson 1: Introduction to Addition

In this lesson, we will introduce children to the concept of addition. We will cover topics such as counting, adding objects, and understanding the concept of addition as combining quantities. Through engaging activities and games, children will learn to recognize addition symbols, understand the concept of adding, and practice basic addition skills.

Lesson 2: Introduction to Subtraction

In this lesson, children will be introduced to the concept of subtraction. We will cover topics such as counting backwards, subtracting objects, and understanding the concept of subtraction as taking away quantities. Children will engage in hands-on activities and games that will help them recognize subtraction symbols, understand the concept of subtraction, and practice basic subtraction skills.

Lesson 3: Basic Addition Strategies

In this lesson, children will learn different strategies for solving addition problems. We will cover topics such as counting on, using number lines, and using manipulatives to solve addition problems. Children will practice applying these strategies to solve addition problems and develop their mental math skills.

Lesson 4: Basic Subtraction Strategies

In this lesson, children will learn different strategies for solving subtraction problems. We will cover topics such as counting backwards, using number lines, and using manipulatives to solve subtraction problems. Children will practice applying these strategies to solve subtraction problems and develop their mental math skills.

Lesson 5: Regrouping in Addition and Subtraction

In this lesson, children will learn about regrouping, also known as carrying and borrowing, in addition and subtraction. We will cover topics such as regrouping with two-digit numbers, understanding place value, and using regrouping to solve larger addition and subtraction problems. Children will engage in interactive activities and games that will help them understand and apply regrouping concepts.

Lesson 6: Word Problems in Addition and Subtraction

In this lesson, children will learn how to solve word problems involving addition and subtraction. We will cover topics such as identifying keywords in word problems, understanding problem-solving strategies, and applying addition and subtraction skills to real-life situations. Children will practice solving word problems through engaging activities and games that will help them develop their problem-solving skills.

Lesson 7: Mental Math in Addition and Subtraction

In this lesson, children will learn how to solve addition and subtraction problems mentally, without using manipulatives or written methods. We will cover topics such as mental strategies for addition and subtraction, estimating solutions, and solving problems mentally. Children will practice applying mental math strategies to solve addition and subtraction problems quickly and efficiently.

Lesson 8: Review and Assessment

In this lesson, children will review and reinforce their learning from the previous lessons through interactive review activities and assessments. They will have the opportunity to practice their skills in basic addition and subtraction, regrouping, word problems, and mental math. This lesson will help children consolidate their learning and assess their understanding of the concepts covered in the previous lessons.

Lesson 9: Fun Math Games

In this lesson, children will have a blast with fun math games that reinforce their addition and subtraction skills. They will engage in interactive games such as addition and subtraction races, math bingo, and math puzzles, among others. These games will not only provide an enjoyable learning experience but also help children practice their math skills in a playful and engaging way.

Lesson 10: Real-life Applications of Addition and Subtraction

In this lesson, children will explore how addition and subtraction


are used in real-life situations. They will learn about practical applications of addition and subtraction in everyday activities such as shopping, budgeting, and measuring. Children will also discover how addition and subtraction are used in various professions and careers, promoting a real-world understanding of the importance of these skills in their daily lives.

Lesson 11: Wrap-up and Conclusion

In this final lesson, children will review their overall learning from the addition and subtraction lessons. They will reflect on their progress and achievements and participate in a final wrap-up activity that reinforces their understanding of the concepts covered. The lesson will conclude with a summary of the key concepts learned and an encouragement for children to continue practicing their addition and subtraction skills.

We hope you enjoy our engaging and interactive lessons on addition and subtraction! With these lessons, children will develop a strong foundation in basic math operations and build confidence in their ability to add and subtract numbers. Stay tuned for more exciting lessons on other math topics and other subjects on Happy learning!