Introduction to Numbers and Counting

Welcome to, where we believe that learning math can be fun and engaging! In this introductory lesson, we will focus on numbers and counting, providing your child with a solid foundation for their mathematical journey.

Numbers: Recognizing, Reading, and Writing Numerals

We will start by introducing your child to the concept of numbers. Through interactive activities and visual aids, your child will learn to recognize and identify numbers from 1 to 10, and even beyond. We will use fun and colorful visuals, such as number charts, number lines, and counting objects, to help your child develop a strong number sense.

Next, we will focus on reading and writing numerals. Your child will learn to associate numerals with their corresponding quantities, and practice writing numerals correctly. We will introduce numeral formation through tracing, guided practice, and interactive games, helping your child develop their fine motor skills while learning to write numbers accurately.

Counting: One-to-One Correspondence and Counting Objects

Counting is a fundamental skill in mathematics, and we will emphasize one-to-one correspondence, which is the concept of matching one object with one number. Your child will practice counting objects, such as toys, fingers, or other manipulatives, and learn to associate each object with its corresponding number.

We will also introduce the concept of cardinality, which is understanding that the last number counted represents the total quantity of objects. Your child will learn to recognize and understand cardinality, developing a strong understanding of how numbers represent quantities.

To make counting fun and engaging, we will use interactive activities, games, and manipulatives, such as counting fingers, using counting mats, or arranging objects in groups to practice counting in a meaningful and enjoyable way.

Basic Concepts: More and Less, Even and Odd Numbers

In addition to recognizing and counting numbers, we will also introduce basic concepts that lay the foundation for further mathematical understanding. Your child will learn about concepts such as more and less, and even and odd numbers.

Through interactive activities and games, your child will practice identifying which group of objects has more or less, and develop an understanding of the relative quantities of numbers. They will also learn about even and odd numbers, and practice identifying numbers as either even or odd based on their characteristics.

Hands-On Approach: Engaging with Manipulatives

At, we believe that a hands-on approach to learning is crucial for young children. We will provide your child with plenty of opportunities to engage with manipulatives, such as counting objects, using number blocks, or even using their fingers to count.

Manipulatives help make math concepts tangible and accessible to young learners, and allow them to explore and experiment with numbers in a meaningful way. Your child will develop a deeper understanding of numbers and counting through hands-on activities that promote active learning and engagement.


In conclusion, our introductory lesson at focuses on numbers and counting, providing your child with a solid foundation in recognizing, reading, and writing numerals, as well as developing one-to-one correspondence skills and understanding basic concepts such as more and less, and even and odd numbers. Our hands-on approach to learning, using interactive activities, games, and manipulatives, aims to make math fun and engaging for young learners. Join us to help your child build a strong mathematical foundation that will set them up for success in their future math endeavors!